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November 15, 2003



Yeah, that would work -- belly button lights. We have a friend, son of a cosmetics company founder -- I can just see him with these lights -- no, I don't want to think about it. At one dinner, we left a toothpick in that held something together -- he discovered it, breaks it up and sticks the little pieces in his face -- where the hell would he stick those lights?


Shall I plan on making room for one of these Lighted Creations at both holiday dinners this season?????

Why don't you display desert on a glass side board/sofa table with the lights underneath?


The Soup Lady must know alot of drunks.


I think the Soup Lady has been in the cooking Sherry again.


The soup lady is a lady. Let us not forget that...


my dear soup lady - i have a friend, who at one point in her illustrious entertaining career cleaveryly froze flashlight bulbs with 9 volt batteries hooked to them inside of plastic bags for an attractive addition to the punch bowl. later, her research in this field brought her to the battery powered christmas lights in a zipity lock bag with all the air squished out of it which was weighted down with fishing weights. this added a festive air to the punch bowl, dish washing liquid bottle, champagne bottles and delighted house guests in their evening bubbly bath tub.

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