Did you think that we were finished with the nut soups? Oh no we are not.
This soup features the mighty Brazil nut, so rich and sweet. Who among us has not searched through the holiday bag of mixed nuts in the shell and picked out at least one Brazil nut, only to hack away at the hard shell a few times and give up in favor of a push-over filbert.
A tip for easy opening: some people find it easier to crack open Brazil Nuts after they have been frozen, steamed, or boiled for about three, then run the nuts under cold water before cracking with a nut cracker. Keep shelled Brazil nuts in the refrigerator as they tend to spoil quickly. Make sure to store them in a tightly sealed container or zip-lock bag to prevent them from absorbing food odors. Unshelled Brazil nuts can last for up to two months if kept in a cool, dry place.
1 medium or large onion
Cooking oil, extra virgin olive oil preferred
3 cups water,
3/4 teaspoon salt
6 medium red tomatoes, diced (roughly 4 cups diced)
1/2 to 3/4 cup sliced Brazil Nuts, measured after shelling and slicing
Preparation (30 minutes)
Peel and dice onion; sauté in oil until partially brown and tender. In medium-sized saucepan, combine water, sautéed onion, and salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, then add tomatoes and Brazil Nut slices. Cook for another 5-10 minutes, until tomato is desired consistency.
recipe found at VeggieCooking.com
The soup has a nice texture - chewy, I guess you'd call it. No garnish is necessary or wanted. This recipe is vegan but there is nothing to stop you from using a nice stock if you have it.