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November 10, 2003



I ran into an interesting twist on an old favorite while eating my way through South America.

It was either in Argentina or Brazil that I was served Creme of White Asparagas Soup with a slice of dill pickle so artfully cut that the pickle was attached to the bowl like a paperclip. I'm thinking that this was most likely in Buenos Aires.


I always see them in coffee shops but I thought it was a regular hard kinda cookie. oh, i must try them. :)


Oh, Fantastic! I've been looking for a good recipe for these guys for years! Thank you so much... I can't wait to try them!


i grew up in syracuse, new york and we called these "half-moon" cookies. different name, still dee-lish!

Bill Keyes

Is it possible for me to buy
B&W cookies from you.
Thanks in advance


If you want the black and white cookies to be cake-like, perhaps you should try baking them at a cake baking temp rather than a cookie baking temp, i.e. 350 degrees rather than 375 degrees.

Nick Hudson

this is what i needed....thanks


Ever try the Black and White Cookie Company?

They're at: http://www.blackandwhitecookies.com

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