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April 04, 2003



My ankles are swelling just reading this! hee, hee..
It does sound mighty tasty, though!


Mmmmm - that sounds lovely. It's almost a shame the weather's warming up, that's a recipe for a very cold day!


Just discovered your site...and I love soup. I'll be trying a few of your suggestions.


Pre-recipe blurb mentions BROWN sugar in vegetables; recipe just says sugar.


Split pea/ham soup

enoch benjamin

I am simmering my soup right now and just cannot figure out what to do with the balsamic vinegar - any suggestions???

gary geddes

i love the soup too , but went to the mall while soup simmering and somone broke into house and stole soup , so now i dont know what it taste like .

lynn osterberg

finnaly sombody that can make some good soup,i have read alot of other recipes just to get ideas of things to add to mine and u are the first 1 that was very good!

lynn osterberg

damb thiefs these days coulda taken the tv but got the soup,lol


This soup is the best split pea soup I have had.


This looks delightful, I'm going to make it in my crock pot today and see how it turns out!! Thanks so much! Bon appetit!


Nerdy... hey, cookery is a science of the soul and nerds have souls, just hidden under dweebie exteriors and polyester shirts with pocket protectors. AND... I make this soup for comfort even in the Dog Days of hot humid summers. Thanks Soup Lady, another winner.


Not sure which I am supposed to use: brown or white sugar?

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