The Description :
This is Cream of Potato soup with pumpkin pieces thrown in, but they change the whole character of the soup. Another contribution from Dave Roberts, the host with the most. Be sure to check out his < a href="">Squash Geese. Be impressed.
The Recipe:
Prepare pumpkin by cutting one butternut squash in half and removing seeds from the center. Roast in the oven until it is tender, the scoop contents out of the shell. Peel and cut 4 medium size potatoes into chunks. Put the potato into a stockpot with one sliced onion, one celery stalk, cut into 1/4" slices, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 4 cups of water or stock. Simmer until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. Add roasted pumpkin and 2 cups of thin white sauce. Use a hand-held wand mixer to puree soup or a potato masher for a chunkier soup. Prepare an unblemished pumpkin shell by washing the outside and carefully removing seeds and strings from the inside. Use this shell as a soup tureen.
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