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September 26, 2001



The College Man and I would be seeing eye to eye on this one.

Oh, and the link to the 3 minute blog seems to need some fixing.


Oy, I just realized that it is a very old link. Because this is a post from the way-back machine. Ignore me.

Don McCurdy

The first time I was exposed to Jellied Madreline soup was when I was a Purser on the LURLINE sailing back and forth from San Francisco to Honolulu and Los Angeles in 1951. It was on the menu and served in the dining room where the Pursers were privilged to eat with the Passengers. For a hick kid fresh out of a "Cow College" this was a new experience and I still remember how good it was. Glad to get your recipie. Thanks

JB Roberts

Where can I find stores that sell Jellied Madrilene Soups?

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