Because I'm having a not good day, mostly caused by myself, I figured I might as well ruin everything all at once so I sent Sami to the store to buy Dove Ice Cream Bars for me, diet be damned.
I remember the last time I had one of these I remarked on how small they had become. Time was they were a good 5 inches long and an inch thick and they were their own sickening party on a stick. Tonight, the one I had was so small that it was gone in a few bites. I'm not exaggerating - all that's left is the stick. A four inch long stick.
I don't care if coffee cans get smaller or laundry detergent or pancake mix. But how much smaller can a full-sized Dove Bar get? I suppose it did save on the calorie consumption, but if one is going to go for it, then one should go for it all the way.
UPDATE: My consumer research continues. I just had another Dove Bar for breakfast. It's still small!
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