What is happening to the party of hope and change? Did the teleprompter break again? These are things that were long suspected but never spoken aloud. Here they are in their own words:
* a Scranton colloquialism. All of the hard-working blue collars in Scranton use this example.
It's Uncle Joe, asking a gentleman in a wheelchair to stand up.
Gawd, I love this guy. He's the party uncle - harmless and clueless at the same time. good to inject a bit of life into an otherwise dull situation. You can always count on him for an overblown compliment that pulls everyone else into agreement. You know he's full of shit. He knows he's full of shit. Everybody knows, but that's the deal.
He's Uncle Joe! Everybody likes to have him around for a good time - just glad they don't have to see him every day.
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