UPDATED: The post title here, for most of you who still refuse to admit the brilliance of it, comes from the finest piece cinematic writing there ever was: Auntie Mame.
(Gooch enters from the kitchen, pouring a Dr. Pepper into a highball glass. Auntie Mame looks at her and gets an idea.) What about "bleak"?
O'BANNION (testing it) Bleak ...bleak. How bleak was my puberty! Bleak Buffalo. Hear how those two words cling to each other - like a man and a woman locked in each other's arms. Listen to them sing!
GOOCH (enraptured) How bleak was my puberty! (Auntie Mame glares at Gooch, who melts away into the kitchen.) I'm sorry. (as soon as Gooch is out of sight, O'Bannion goes to work again, kissing Auntie Mame helter skelter.)
O'BANNION "Bleak"! Oh God, let me caress that talent. Where is it hidden - that germ of genius. Where is it?
AUNTIE MAME Brian, please - (She glances at a page of edited manuscript.) I'm worried about something. Coccamaura. I wonder if the general public is going to understand all this symbolism. (She read.) "Like a echo from the caves of Coccamaura, I came forth whilst Dierdre wept cool tears." Wouldn't it be simpler to say "On the day I was born, it rained in Buffalo?"
The dialog from Auntie Mame runs through my head almost constantly. I frequently drop a bit into personal and work-related conversations. No one gets me in real life, either.
Original post from 4/14/09:
In my whole life, I've never had a tuna melt.
I know - unamerican, right? But my food experience during my formative years was extremely limited.
But today, my BUPs and I are hungry and a tuna melt sounds like a nice idea. I'm doing a low-carb thing right now, the food plan which works out best for me in terms of results and liveability, and so it's going to be a breadless tuna melt. I found a recipe on the internet which uses zuchinni slices instead of bread. It seems ok except that it had a user rating of "zero yummies", which strikes me as bleak.
If you have tuna melt experience, tell me - should I even bother?
Failing a tuna melt response from you, would you like to comment on the source of my post title? It's something that's always on my mind whenever Deirdre weeps cool tears as is the case in central Jersey today.
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