Although I generally enjoy robust health, I am all sneezey right now, a condition that only developed in the last few hours. I only hope to heaven above that I have not developed an allergy to the dollar store, because that is where I spent a good deal of time today. It's Halloween decorating season at work:
Plastic Bunny In Disguise
There are only two of us that sit in this section of the building on a regular basis and we both think it's hysterically funny to dress the plastic Easter bunny for every holiday and event. Everyone else doesn't get it but we don't care. You know this is teh funny. Enlarge images for extra amusement. Nostrils!
Dollar Store Find of the Day
As long as they think we're so awful, we do not feel at all disposed to share the fruit of our Halloween-themed plastic martini shakers with them. I actually whooped in the store when I saw these. Twice.
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