Here are my physical issues:
- I have some disease that started with a runny nose and sore throat and progressed to burning lungs and fever within the space of 24 hrs. Whatever could it be?
- I also have some kind of itchy bumps on my legs possibly related to standing in the shrub bed pulling weeds last week.
- Now I can feel small ridgy bumps on my back which might be hives or might be imprints from the couch cushion, which would be no less irritating.
Those were aliments but I also have issues. First, i used to have excessive ear wax in one ear and now suddenly I don't. I don't miss it but I am somewhat alarmed at the sudden change.
Now this is the thing: I cannot for the life of me cut my left master toenail at the correct angle. I like, as you all know, a neat straight cut across the toenails, and no matter how carefully plan it, the left master toenail always ends up cut at an angle.It LOOKS straight until I stand up and then boom, it's slopes off at a 25 degree angle. You have to admit that's pretty extreme. I have deduced that it's due to the way I hold my toe when I'm clipping but I can't seem to correct it.
Also, and note this well my friends - it takes some kind of serious scrubbing to get the remnants of Vick's Vaporub off of you once you're done with it.
Ah, the smell of Vicks. Childhood memories abound.
Take care of yourself. Your blog has been my first stop since I found it a couple of weeks ago. Love your sense of humor and the photos of your garden and your cute doggie.
Posted by: beedee | September 24, 2009 at 12:53 AM
Hey slow down - I'm trying to write all this down.
Posted by: pops | September 24, 2009 at 08:22 AM
Sorry to hear about your ailments!
I do have a suggestion for the slanted toenail cutting: trim your toenails while sitting in the bathtub. This is from a person who sometimes has problems catching her foot to cut toenails. In the tub, one's leg can be more easily leveraged close in, allowing a straight chop.
If that doesn't work, close one eye while you cut!
Posted by: jane | September 24, 2009 at 09:50 AM
Sorry to hear of your suffering. If it helps at all, I've been stricken with poison ivy. For the 3rd time this summer.
This made me laugh:
I like, as you all know, a neat straight cut across the toenails
...simply because we're all assumed to know such things. ;)
Posted by: pam | September 24, 2009 at 10:13 AM
Hoping you don't have that nasty flu.
I got itchy red rash from a supposedly benign prescription medicine. Then it morphed into an allergy to one or more of the inactive ingredients (not the cortisone itself) in a cortisone cream the dermatologist told me to slather profusely. Result: wall to wall hot red itchy rash.
The toenail thing IS pesky. I also have problems filing my thumbnails so that they look right when I turn my hand around. Maybe we could form a club?
Vicks Vaporub. My late Mother's go-to when we had a nasty cold-cough. Still my idea of heaven. But the odor does pervade. After I use it I plan an extra day of isolation to allow it to subside.
Posted by: Lulu | September 24, 2009 at 01:05 PM
I have been under the spell of some demon bug for the past week. Started with the same symptoms, then settled into the hot chills, cold sweats, crawly skin feeling thing for two days, then a day of relief, then, yesterday, a relapse. Now that you've mentioned it, I also had some rather itchy skin irritation on my wrists, arms and legs, I just wrote it off to the usual reaction to some wild thing I encountered working in the back wood lot last weekend, but maybe it's a symptom of this malady as well. Hope you feel better soon, but if it's what I have, your in it for the long haul. Hang in there.
Posted by: gregor | September 25, 2009 at 07:34 AM
Perhaps we can discuss/cure some of these next week over a lemon drop...I know you fill up please remember to schedule me in!
Posted by: Susie | September 25, 2009 at 09:30 PM
You know, when I first read your post about the early symptoms, I was going
to comment that it sounded like you had the flu.I'm sure of it now, because
I had it too. What a bitch..
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 7:34 AM, wrote:
Posted by: Cripes, Suzette! | September 26, 2009 at 02:24 PM