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Crickets need to be messed up. That's right, I have anti-cricket sentiments just simmering under this sedate old broad surface.
I'm just one step away from Raiding this joint.

The Proprietor

We have had a new breed of cricket invade the house last year and this year. They have tiger stripes and are the size of gerbils. I personally don't mind them, but they cause wife and daughter to start screaming.

I tried the sticky strips in the laundry room, but they would just leave a leg or two behind and keep going. Between them and the stinkbugs I feel like I am living in a terrarium.


Dueling Power Wash

I think that might be an excellent movie. As for the roof. Here's one time I will hope for rain (for your sake-LOL)


our resident pest is the asian lady bug. (not like the cute ones we caught as kiddos) .they hatch once per year in the spare bedroom and infest the whole thing. they smell as they die.


From my hubby who worked for a concrete company for 40 years - cement is the dry powder that is mixed with sand, stone, water, etc. to make concrete (the hard stuff).


Dueling Power Wash

I think that might be an excellent movie. As for the roof. Here's one time I will hope for rain (for your sake-LOL)


Crickets need to be messed up. That's right, I have anti-cricket sentiments just simmering under this sedate old broad surface.
I'm just one step away from Raiding this joint.


thanks for help

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