Emma, the 6 month old lab from next door, and Stedman have a regular playdate going on. She comes over to the backyard gate and makes a certain sort of yipping noise and he answers with the same kind of yipping. Then we let them socialize for a while. The socializing consists of:
- banging their chests together
- mouthing each other on the face, neck and back
- a little bit of ear wax action
- tumbling around
- drinking water
First they run around the yard, go up one set of deck steps and down the other, and then settle into the business of showing each other their tonsils.
These are Blackberry pictures - too bad my regular camera is not functional at the moment. I doubt that would make much difference in the quality of the pictures, though - let me tell you something: it's not so easy to take good pictures of dogs on the move.
The interesting thing is that these dogs are true to their breeds. Stedman, the cattle herder, anticipates the direction that she is going to move in and feints back and forth to block her. If that doesn't work, he chases behind her nipping at her heels. Emma, the retriever, grabs onto his dog collar and pulls him around the yard.
Then everybody makes a poop and goes home.
UPDATE: Stedman's other girlfriend is a little lady we like to call the sprinkler system. He finds her irresistible.
OMG - too funny! I adore Stedman. Stedman and the gf... ROFLMAO.
Posted by: Teresa | May 21, 2009 at 01:21 PM
A blonde ! Stedman is soooo male.
Is she a hussy??
Posted by: tina | May 21, 2009 at 03:35 PM
Poor Stedman; he's just a slave to the 'mones. LOL!
What a cutie!
Posted by: pam | May 22, 2009 at 12:01 AM
How cool is that? Emma!!! Oh man, I love her. It's so good for them to have other dogs around to play with, as I'm sure you know; nothing better for socializing skills. They NEED to sniff those other butts and chew on neck skin and ears.
HRD has two male friends she sees regularly, and by regularly I mean one or the other of them every day.
However. Neither knows about the other. She is a hussy can no good can come of it.
Posted by: dogette | May 22, 2009 at 12:36 PM
umm, i hear there may be a corgi that needs rehomeing - if perhaps steds needs a full time girlfriend.
Posted by: patti | May 22, 2009 at 06:11 PM
lucky Stedman! Great pictures!
Posted by: Susie | May 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM