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OMG - too funny! I adore Stedman. Stedman and the gf... ROFLMAO.


A blonde ! Stedman is soooo male.
Is she a hussy??


Poor Stedman; he's just a slave to the 'mones. LOL!

What a cutie!


How cool is that? Emma!!! Oh man, I love her. It's so good for them to have other dogs around to play with, as I'm sure you know; nothing better for socializing skills. They NEED to sniff those other butts and chew on neck skin and ears.

HRD has two male friends she sees regularly, and by regularly I mean one or the other of them every day.

However. Neither knows about the other. She is a hussy can no good can come of it.


umm, i hear there may be a corgi that needs rehomeing - if perhaps steds needs a full time girlfriend.


lucky Stedman! Great pictures!

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