This morning the MSM has decided that although John McCain once again won the debate on points, the fresh youthful image of Bee-Yo made him last night's winner. We can all be grateful to the Yahoo morning-after slideshow for capturing the fresh, young faces of the left. Can you identify them?
#1 This one is the most painful one for me so let's get it over with right off the bat. Look what they did to her. Still carrying $13 million in debt for her failed campaign, she can't even afford to trowel on the pancake and her real face is sticking out.
#2 The cheese stands alone. It's up to America's princess to carry the marks of the multitude of her family's sins all alone - or she will be all alone as soon as Satan calls in the contract. My, how time does fly.
#3 Conclusion: the cameraman is a Republican. Take a good look - it's a rare occurance to to see an unflattering image of this one.
#4 Perhaps if this one didn't suffer from a blue-collar beginning, there would have been less to worry about and less total wrinkles at this point in the game. In this case, the sum is greater than the individual frightening parts. Two words: string lift.
#5 All the really cool celebrities are in the Obama camp. If this fashionista continues to call the shots in American style setting, then we can all look forward to a future filled with nose cleavage.
#6 Somebody is going to get a hurting for this one. This little crop out is probably the best looking part of the overall image.
Click for more to reveal the full images. For as unpleasant as these images are, the very worst thing America had to look at last night is undeniably this:
Even her biggest fans have got to be asking WTF? Let's see that in close up, shall we?
Voters of America - this is your last chance to wake up and smell the bad judgment. The people who have surrounded Bee-Yo have exhibited very poor judgement, from his single mother with her two loser husbands (or a husband-and-a-half, if you consider the bigamy factor of Bee-Yo's father. Maybe that's what he was dreaming about - more wives.), to those bizarre grandparents who thought it would be beneficial to have little Barry mentored by a Communist sex perv.
And now this. If Michelle Threefeet has such great fashion sense, how did they get her to do this? Or, did she use her own judgment in deciding if this was a good idea or not? Is this a look that we're going to be seeing copied like Jackie O's pill box hat? Hey, I've got a box full of big pins and quite a few stings of fake pearls. If that's how we're going, just let me know - I can be ready by 10am.
Ok, I forgot how to make that hidden second page, so here they are:
#1 Hillary Rodham. As soon as the Madonna/Ritchie thing goes off the front pages, how long till HRC drops that C? Ah, Hillary. We miss you so. My heart is just broken. I cannot continue. Love you, Hillz. xoxo
#2. Caroline Kennedy Anschlussberg. Sweet Caroline was right in staying out of the spotlight all these years. Now that she looks like the rest of the wrinkled up Kennedys, its safe for her to emerge from hiding. that would have been unthinkable when she was younger and more people would have wanted to compare her to the style and idealized image of her mother. How's Uncle Teddy, Car? Any deathbed regrets yet?
#3 Michell Threefeet. Uh-oh. Somebody forgot about Michelle's special lighting requirements. Still, we live in historic times. We're witnessing the first chapter meeting of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Hideous Costume Jewelry.
#4 Joe "I'm From Scranton" Biden. Joey! How are things in Scranton? Did you get your blue collar all sweated up from hard work when you were there? What about your plastic surgeon - did he break a sweat while he was doing your cosmetic work? See that skin pattern that runs at a 80 degree angle from his "scalp" to his chin? String lift -
look it up. "
As time passes and features start to sag, you can make a simple visit to the doctor, dermatologist or physician, who will pull the existing threads tighter, correcting sagging skin." Yup, yup.
#5 Anna Wintour. Vogue's editor in chief has a creased nose, sausage fingers and cuts her own hair. This is who decides how you look, kids. Is she the one who told Michelle to put those 3 big pins on her beads?
#6 Nancy Pelosi. It's
Night of the Living Nanny Pee, practicing her Halloween fright face. No need for extra dramatics, Nanny - we already tremble in fear when we think of you.
Closing thoughts:
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