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Joan of Argghh!

Aww! So nice to see Stedman. Pepper Dog returned home yesterday after being gone for a week. I missed her! She's depressed, however, to be back home. Partied too hearty at her Aunt's home, the beyatch.

gus&fi's mom

Could be worse, could eat horse poop al la Gus and Fiona. Can you say "brush those nasty teeth!"
ps I'm here :)


He's just way too cute for me; I'd have to take him everywhere I went, draped as if he were the finest mink over my shoulders.


Awwww... Magnus would love you to come here and be his seeing eye puppy. Yes, Stedman, Mag is almost totally blind now. Add a senile 19 year old cat to the mix and there you have it: Geriatric Animal House at Carson Lane.
p.s. Mag will be 11 years old on Friday.


OMG - what a cute dog! I like the splattered colors. :-)

The Proprietor

Long walks!!!


When Dogliness was a puppy, she stood on the deck, kinda like Stedman in that last pic, and we were all way down in the yard going, "No WAY would she ever suddenly go berserk and launch herself off a deck 12 feet off the lawn.


Is that OJ's other glove????


Yep, Stedman's markings are remarkably similar to those on my calico kitty. I think they could be related (and the car-howling tends to prove the point).

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