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What a great post. I really enjoyed it.


I, too, enjoyed it.

I need to send you the photo of the sunrise I took from the far end of the Continental terminal, looking out onto both Newark and the NYC skyline.

Zonker - who called me that morning while I was waiting to board for SAT - said, after I told him of the panoramic view I had, "Ain't pollution wonderful?"

It sure is.

Joan of Argghh!

Nice to have you back! We are expecting more dog pics forthwith.


Ah, your trips sound suspiciously like mine. Although I will say, Southwest was the best delay I've had for quite a while. Only one in ages where I didn't feel like strangling the entire lot of airline employees by the end of the night. *grin*

The Proprietor

Next time you are in H-burg, get out. You can rent a car and be home in less time, plus you get to drive by the Disciples of Yahweh, the Bandit Truck Stop, Amphitheatre and Discount Shearling Outlet, the World's Biggest Cabela's, the Roadside America Miniature Village, the Strohs Brewery and the place where the Keebler Elves live.

Or you just call my sister and she'd take you out for dinner at the Amish Farmer's Market, home of 100 forms of ham.

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