I'm afraid I have some very bad news. Remember the Painted Deer?
That little concrete deer that had been in the backyard of my family home since the 60s. After my mother's death, it was hijacked by a well-meaning but clueless neighbor and made to suffer a garish makeover, complete with glittery nose and hooves. I should have recognized that move for what it was - the opening salvo in a take-over attempt to expand her plastic flower empire into what became my backyard. No, it took painted boulders, flowerpots and urns, scalped shrubbery and a dazzling rainbow of plastic flower bouquets impaled into the soil for me to draw the line and forbid her to trespass onto the property again.
Well, the Painted Deer, one must admit, is horrifying and compelling and the same time. Not long after it made its refurbished appearance in the yard, it moved to Shickshinny to live forever in the yard of my best friend. Tina is my true seestor, not related by blood but by spirit, shared experiences of a lifetime and now a concrete deer with a crown of plastic geraniums. She installed it in a place of honor in front of the house.
You never know what life is going to bring you, do you? Fate and Mother Nature combined this week to blow down a giant oak tree and the result could not have been more heartbreaking.
Click here for the full scope of the damage.
Ah, well. things change in a moment and you can't go back in time. I'm very glad that I could share the glory days of the Painted Deer with the internet world and that it will live forever in the search engines of Google and Technorati.
Rest in peace, little deer.
I just had a rare moment of insight. What if the Painted Deer was a harbinger of things to come? A predictor of my future? Look at this:
The dog is officially identified by his markings and coloring as a red-headed tricolor PWC. What could be more red-headed than a crown of plastic geraniums? And both the painted deer and the dog have coloring of black, brown and white, a shiny nose, googly eyes and enormous ears.
The universe has manipulated me. It's not at all a bad outcome, but it's a slap to my human spirit to understand that what I thought was my own free will is the result of cosmic predestination. There's no such thing as coincidence.
I think you'll be okay. The deer has Uma Thurman eyes. Stedman has Nathan Lane eyes.
Posted by: Joan of Argghh! | July 20, 2008 at 09:47 AM
I mourn the deer/rejoice the dog.
Posted by: pam | July 20, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Act of God. A sign that all things must pass, to be renewed in different but recognizable form.
Posted by: The Proprietor | July 20, 2008 at 10:41 AM
Must stop looking at side by side photo of deer/dog..........I am getting freaked out.
We hereby solemnly promise to do our best to repair said deer.
I am so sad.
Mother Nature sure reared her ugly head this time; I guess we were lucky that it did not blow down an oak onto the house etc.
Posted by: tina | July 20, 2008 at 10:42 AM
Archetypes and synchronicity too?
This page has certainly taken a turn for the Jungian.
And what specific manner of meteorology caused the tree to go down?
Posted by: pops | July 20, 2008 at 03:00 PM
So sorry to hear about the deer, dear!
Posted by: Tami | July 21, 2008 at 09:55 AM
Maybe they were filming "Bambi versus Godzilla: Part 2"?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley | July 22, 2008 at 08:53 AM