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Once again I must live vicariously through you.

That's a great lookin' menu you guys got goin'.

Here the big blog meet up is still at this deli downtown - the unfortunately named Ralph's - that has very greasy pizza by the slice. Per the last email I received those gathered were going to discuss pseudoanonymous blogging.

Oh the tales I could tell.

Mr. Bingley


I like that.

Looking forward to it!


That was three years ago? I should know - I've got a ton of pictures from it. But dang, that went fast.


Pictures or it didn't happen!

Also, you absolutely have to taste that cheesecake and report back your findings.

I can't wait to hear all about it!


$45 to hang out with angry white wingnutters is fun?

The Proprietor

Alas, I am in Maryland doing the college shopping thing. All my best.

Joan of Argghh!

Dang it! I've lost Erica's cell number. I wuz sooooo gonna drunk-dial youse guys tonight!

Have fun, kids!


The cheesecake was excellent - thank you Mr. Bingley! A nice time was had by all. I think you need to be on the committee with myself, Shamrock, and Mr. Bingley for the next blogmeet in Central Jersey!


Oh I'm so glad I got to meet you and I'm so kicking myself that we didn't talk more than a few minutes!!! It was great fun - but we all didn't have nearly enough time to talk. *grin* Now I have to go crash - what a long day... LOL.


You are WONDERFUL!! It was so nice to finally meet you - I want to hug all hell out of you, and screw the formalities, right? You are one of the coolest peeps, ever.

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