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Mr. Bingley

“I’ve pulled out a lot of vehicles,” he said. “But that’s the first wiener I’ve ever pulled out.”


An instant classic.


ooooooooooo where's the parents!

Now do this one - YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!


some people are such dicks


in new zealand, the weinermobile drives on the other side of the road.


How is the weeneymobile even street legal?


How many miles an hour does this rubber necker get? Must be tough on turns...


At 22 both my kids were on their own. Of course they also were not driving Weiner Mobiles, although my daughter worked for a car rental company and did LOTS of driving around picking up customers... wonder which would be considered "worse" in this instance. Heh.


I live just a short distance from where this occurred. On the day it happened there were winds of 25-30 mph blowing through the area and the road had as lick coat of ice/snow from one of the daily squalls. I'm sure the Weinermobile was simply spun around by those winds.

(And at 22 my one of my kids had been to Iraq and back..safely..with the Marines. The other had graduated college and was on her own. So stop being a fuddy-duddy.)


I saw a weinermobile on a public street recently.

It changed my life.

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