Just when we thought that we'd never see Hillary's bare arms, here she is trying hard to keep up with Michelle O. Look at the poor guy on the left, obviously disgruntled about having to turn over one of his personalized aprons, displaying his annoyance by emblazoning his opinion of HRC onto his own apron front. His eyes may be smiling but embroidery doesn't lie.
I do not rejoice in the prospect of Hillary's defeat. As you know, I dearly hoped that she would remain in the spotlight for a long, long time. I suppose one can still hope that she'll work some of that famous Clinton behind-the-scenes magic and suddenly turn up with more superdelegates than ABC*, or maybe all the superdelgates will be found dead in a park somewhere - who knows? Anything can happen now!
I must say, Google Images has been very accommodating to me where HRC is concerned. Wasn't it just the other day that I was longing for a photo of Hill with bare arms? I see now that I should have been more specific .
Can you please find me an image of Hillary with bare arms winning at Bingo! Thanks a bunch.
*America's biggest vote getter: Anybody But Clinton
Wart Watch: Level 1
Wait...! The Wart Watch has gone to Level 1? Did she perhaps sneak off to a back alley dermatologist and have that sucker scraped off??
We must immediately form a support group for people who have lost their warts, complete with guvmint funding! Call Algore, because it may have simply fallen off due to global warming! Call Al Sharpton; the thing could have fled her face for racial reasons...
Call the boys in the white coats. I live in Pompano Beach FL and will be standing on my front lawn clad only in a Mickey Mouse bathrobe...
Posted by: pam | February 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM
Yes, the exposed arms at winning BINGO would prominently feature her bilateral bye-byes flapping urgently.
(You *do* know what bye-byes are, right?)
Posted by: schmed | February 20, 2008 at 11:58 AM
What is astonishing is that she was out-organized. When the campaign started last year I predicted that the nomination would not go to the best person, but to the candidate with the biggest and best funded organization.
I turned out to be right, but I assumed that it would be Hillary. She's just plain been out-campaigned.
Posted by: The Proprietor | February 20, 2008 at 01:27 PM
Please know that my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Posted by: pops | February 20, 2008 at 04:09 PM
haha stick a fork in her. shes almost done. funny.
Posted by: shoothillary | February 20, 2008 at 06:16 PM
Has anyone seen Vince Foster lately?
Posted by: Faith | February 22, 2008 at 05:16 PM