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I just watched it, but with my speakers off (as they usually are), and it annoyed the hell out of me.


WOW that's just as bad as being on hold with Virgin Mobile.

Jim - PRS

It's a TV version of a spike in the forehead.


I *hate* the IO digital cable song, worse than the Caveman song, and the "Come to Outback tonight" song.


The thought of posting about these evil earworms occurred to me as recently as two days ago, but the surgical numbing of my gag reflex was not in the stars, so I'm glad you picked up my slack.

If others willingly do the dirty work, I say, who am I to stop them?


By the way, I think you forgot a "4."

Suzette says: Fixed! Apparently, I need to hear this commercial 29 more times.


And yet you can't stand It's A Wonderful Life. Admittedly it's slightly longer than this commercial, but still...


Jeezus Krispys. What Ad Agency FREAK came up with that?

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