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I've never seen Turbulence Forecast before; nice find! :)

The Pump Jockey

I am assuming that "width and pitch" are completely different from "pitch and yaw" which is more what I worry about. Now that I know about Turbulence forecast, I may never fly again. Upside: I'll never be ahead of you in line whimpering.


I live on the Continental page (and AA and USAir and Northwest and...) FAA, and SeatGuru already (I do schedule regular travel for 9 execs), but hadn't seen the others -- I'll be passing these links along to my fellow assistants tomorrow. Thanks for postin' them!


. . . infrequent vacation travelers clogging up the system . . .

Personally I think this accounts for almost 70% of the problem-generation source: people who don't have a GODDAMNED clue. And yes, I blame them for not honoring their duty to obtain readily available clues before going to the airport; e.g. the "You mean I can't take 5 carryons and a five-gallon drum of lighter fluid with me?" people. Oh fer cryin' out loud! Standing like human speed bumps at the bottoms of escalators ("Did you pack the sunscreen?" "No I thought you were packing it." "I didn't pack it, I thought you packed it."). Not having documents out and ready. Totally spazzing out with the black plastic trays in the xray line, like the whole process of putting your shit down FLAT in the tray is just the most complex puzzle they've ever encountered. OK, I'm finished with my mini-rant now thx.


I will have to show this entry to Stan...


Well, I am looking forward to making my first flight in 30 years this fall and I am grateful for these tips. I live in mortal fear of being one of those clueless travelers that annoy dogette so greatly. Anybody else with travel tips for the novice, please visit http://www.coldclimategardening.com/2007/07/05/travel-tips-wanted-for-me/

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