I know that I post this same shot year after year, but please do not deny me the pleasure. Of all the plants I have ever planted, tended, cut back, divided, transplanted, pruned or nutured, this one is my lifetime favorite.
It's a big blue called "Big Daddy". It is one of the decendants of the original H. sieboldiana 'Elegans' from which all blue hosta are derived. This one has leaves that are heart-shaped, corrugated and huge. Click for closeup of this 12" wide leaf.
I waited too long in the season to take this photo. The leaf color is fading and the short stalk of white flowers are already done. I was trying to resist the temptation to talk about this plant year after year, but now that you have seen it, do you blame me for showing it again?
Long time readers here know that I like to take photos of objects next to a corgi for size comparison, but I'm afraid those days are almost over, my friends. The corgi in question has decided that he's put in his time and will no longer cooperate for these early morning photo sessions. He's a good looking animal when he's upright, but when he lays around like a big furry baloney, not so much.
Now I'm beginning to understand why Mr. Sam refers to him as a fat bastard with no legs.
BONUS! Saturday Morning Special: Click here to see the full extent of the dog's Goin' Limp Sixties Style protest technique, complete with tragic canine facial expression. My heart breaks over this betrayal.
perhaps if your backyard was properly air conditioned, the small beastie with the nice fur coat wouldn't feel so limp and his little furry face wouldn't look so pained?
I'm surrounded by wilted furries myself. I have the furriest a real haircut and am sorry I didn't take a before and after shot along with a shot of the two wastebaskets full of removed fur!
Posted by: Mary Beth | July 16, 2005 at 12:46 PM
hi Bob! Whose a good dog then? (waving)
Posted by: lee | July 16, 2005 at 05:13 PM
I don't know much about hostas. Those look pretty big though.
Posted by: Bill | July 17, 2005 at 11:36 PM
I luv that leetle dog.
And let him frown and sigh and grumble and grunt all he wants -- he's gotta earn his doggie chow SOMEHOW.
Posted by: Reecie | July 18, 2005 at 06:34 AM
That's a big-un, wow.
At what time during the year to do divide up your perenials?
Posted by: Shabe | July 18, 2005 at 10:25 AM
that's your dog???
I thought it was a loaf of bread..
Very cute pix to say the least!!!
Posted by: toxiclabrat | July 18, 2005 at 03:52 PM
My cat gives me that exact look when I trim her toenails. It's the vain martyr look, obviously. "It hurts me WAY more than it hurts you, and don't you dare delude yourself otherwise. Also, am I not the best looking creature within a ten mile radius? I do believe that is indisputable."
Hi Bob!! (I know, boy, it was hot out there this weekend, wasn't it? How about an ice cube to lick?)
Posted by: shelley ju | June 19, 2006 at 12:49 PM