It wasn't just a BlogMeet, it was an event.
- Gregor turned out to be not sad at all. He promised to share his soup recipes and then he passed out buttons to promote his Women's RollerDerby team.
- Self-confessed Martha-lover Twisty let it slip that she makes her own Edible Arrangements for special occaisions.
- Props to Mr. Surly who correctly assessed my high level of intergrity and then trusted me with a secret. Come to think of it, Mr. Surly is the one who told me about Twisty's crafty skills, too.
- Gigglechick was using the world's smallest camera and remembered when she used to link me during my dog days.
- The Barista made the mistake of asking how I was, and then I told her in great detail. Thanks for listenting, Debbie.
- It was a nice surprise to find out that not only do MOM & Pop Culture and This Full House live in the same town as I do, but they share my low opinion about the dreadful pox that has decended on us in the form of the SuperShopRite.
- Katespot made everything look easy but her attention to the details of preparation and the taking on the job of bagman for the loot is greatly appreciated.
- Tigerhawk summarized a point of business so perfectly that I asked him to say it again.
- South Orange Journal revealed her subtle method of blending local news with personal insights - very well done.
- made me happy when he confessed that sometimes the things I say make his head explode. Mission accomplished! (Thanks for the schwag. )
- If you believe that bloggers show the same characteristcs inperson as they do on their pages, there's no better example of that than Dynamobuzz - warmth and level-headedness in one big package.
- BookBlog charmed everybody while Shamrocketship took a different approach and wore a threatening t-shirt - and followed through on the threat, too.
- Sluggo came early and stayed late and never displayed the need for a nap the whole time.
- Did Jerseystyle have that NJ t-shirt on all night long? I just noticed it in the photos. Talk about style -you've got to admire a guy in a jacket.
- Tequila Shots for the Soul brought along a non-blogger. How could he fail to be impressed? I'm sure his first blog post will be up by the end of the day.
- Even though she's a cable news superstar, Cootiehog was completely eclipsed by Duncan the dimpled darling.
- Parkway Rest Stop was the man of the hour when he pulled out the guitar and proved his talent is not limited to pithy blog posts.
Big thanks to Kate and Jim for getting this event going and attending to all the details. Special mention to Mrs. Parkway Rest Stop, a non-blogger who braved a room full of bloggers and made everyone feel welcomed and comfortable, and to the Usual Gang of Suspects for thier support services. All the bloggers had to do was show up.
.. sounds like a wonderful time was had by all!..
Posted by: Eric | April 03, 2005 at 01:12 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Posted by: Busy Mom | April 03, 2005 at 01:16 PM
It was SO much fun. I can't take any credit at all - it all belongs to Jim and the Usual Suspects.
Posted by: Kate | April 03, 2005 at 02:35 PM
wondering if there is a blogfest for NJ bloggers who were not invited...
maybe it is time for another Z list... ;^}
Posted by: toxiclabrat | April 03, 2005 at 05:57 PM
It was great to meet you, and don't let the cookbook bastards get you down.
Posted by: Jim - PRS | April 03, 2005 at 07:58 PM